Start-up Support Services
VentureINQ's Start-up support
VentureINQ has accumulated specialized expertise in small and medium-sized companies, which is different from that of general accounting firms, based on (1) international tax and accounting skills, (2) English language skills, and (3) start-up know-how. We have the following features
01 Tax and accounting advice to prepare for IPO auidit
In the IPO preparation period, the need to prepare financial statements in accordance with accounting standards causes a divergence between accounting and taxation, and the method of accounting bookkeeping must be changed from a tax basis to an accounting basis. With such an increase in the number of items to be reconciled in the annexed table, we provide support to withstand the IPO audit by accurately explaining the differences between accounting standards and tax treatment and providing tax advice, including tax-effect accounting.
02 Tax advice for international transactions
As your transactions with foreign companies increase, you will need to consider international withholding tax. In addition, when an overseas subsidiary is established, transactions with foreign related parties arise and there are many issues to consider, such as issues related to taxation of contributions. We provide international tax advice, including tax treaties, based on our high level of expertise and experience to meet the needs of such international expansion.
03 Support by experienced IPO professionals
Our representative has served as an officer of a listed company and experienced the process of listing on Mothers and the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We also have staff members who have experienced listing on Mothers as accounting staff, and can provide advice based on corporate side practices.
04 IPO expertise
We have assisted many companies preparing for IPOs and have accumulated the latest know-how regarding IPOs. We can provide accounting and tax advice as well as advice on the establishment of management systems.
05 Advice on financing
In the financing from Series A to Series B, it is necessary to establish an SO system to raise the motivation of the CXO and the organization, as well as financing with an awareness of value creation at the time of IPO. Most recently, we have been consulting on financing during the IPO preparation period, such as SO trust after Series B and bridge financing between Series A and Series B by J-Kiss.
06 Support by a certified public accountant who is also familiar with accounting standards
Our CPAs have extensive IPO experience and can provide advice on the latest accounting standards. We also provide support for short reviews with audit firms and negotiations with audit firms during the IPO preparation period.
07 Bilingual support
More than half of our staff members have obtained TOEIC scores of 900 or higher and can provide the following support, for example
-Support for communication with overseas accounting firms
-Preparation of English financial statements (for overseas investors)
08 Strengths in the IT and pharmaceutical drug discovery industry utilizing the latest technology
We believe that a deep understanding of industry is the foundation of our professional services. We support not only the IT industry, but also many technology-driven ventures in IoT, hardware, AI, VR, gaming, AgriTech, AI, automated driving, drug discovery, medical devices, etc. We provide accounting and tax services based on our business understanding. We provide accounting and tax services based on business understanding.
Service details
Consultation with CEO
1)Consultation on IPO roadmap
2)Consultation on financing (valuation approach, capital policy, confirmation of the contents of class shares and investment agreements, etc.)
3)Consultation on stock options
(4) Consultation on KPI setting and business strategy
5)Matching with VC and advisors
IPO Consultation
1)Preparation for Financial Audit
2) Establishment of management control system to prepare for listing
Consultation with Finance department
(1) Tax filing services (corporate tax, consumption tax, local tax, and pro forma standard taxation)
(2) Various notifications
3)Daily tax consultation
4)Monthly closing review (review of journal entries for consumption tax)
(5) Advice on journal entries for closing accounts
6)Management of depreciation ledgers
7)Calculation of deferred tax assets
(8) Tax audit response
Consultation for international taxation
1)Consultation on international taxation
(2) IFRS compliance
3)Financial statement review of overseas subsidiaries
4)Support for consolidated financial statements
5)Communication support with overseas accounting firms