HR Compliance Calendar

HR Compliance Calendar

Case: A company with few employees founded on February 1st

Month HR-Related Taxes Labor Insurance/ Social Insurance
February   ■New application for labor insurance (Worker Accident Compensation/Unemployment)
■New application for Social Insurance
■Unemployment Insurance procedures for new employees
■Social Insurance procedures for new employees
April   ■Change in Social Insurance premium rates
June ■Inhabitant Taxes for each employee (notification from each local government)  
July ■Withholding Income Taxes ■Yearly renewal procedures for Labor Insurance
■Notification of base amount for Social Insurance
October   ■Change in Social Insurance premium rates
December ■Year-end adjustments for employees’ income taxes  
January ■Withholding Income Taxes
■Compilation of payroll lists
■Legal record total table
■Salary payment report to local government
Month HR-Related Taxes Labor Insurance/ Social Insurance
Monthly ■Salary payment
■Payment of Inhabitant Taxes
■Payment of Social Insurance premium
Bonus   ■Notification of bonus amount
Salary changes   ■Notification of change in monthly Social Insurance amount
New employee   ■Unemployment Insurance procedures for new employees
■Social Insurance procedures for new employees
Employee resignation ■Notification of employee resignation to local government ■Unemployment insurance procedures for retired employees
■Certificate of Unemployment (Rishokuhyo)
■Unemployment Insurance procedures for retired employees
■Preparation of income summary for retired employees
■Calculation of retirement benefit if any
